Raw data monitor for Radarbox ============================= This is a y-adapter DLL that serves as "man in the middle" between the ANRB.EXE software and the Radarbox. Data received or transmitted are sent out via UDP and can be received and processed by a separate application on the same computer. This gives you full freedom over data decoding and display. BE AWARE: operation is on your full own risk. The Radarbox hardware processes Mode-S 1090 MHz only. Other modes as A or C are not processed. Installation ============ This is to work with ANRB.EXE V1.3 software. Other versions may fail to work. 1. Select your Radarbox folder in Explorer. This is the folder where you can find ANRB.EXE 2. Rename file ftd2xx.dll to ftd2xx.bak, if it is there. 3. Unzip and copy to this folder - radarbox1.dll; this is just a renamed ftd2xx.dll - ftd2xx.dll; this is the y-adapter dll 4. Done Running ANRB.EXE ================ You will not notice any change to the standard installation. Functionality ============= The y-adapter DLL resends all data received from Radarbox or PC as they appear plus a preceeding header byte. The header bytes are: $AA = for data that were received from the Radarbox and are sent to ANRB.EXE $55 = for data that were received from ANRB.EXE and are sent to the Radarbox Transmission data: - UDP - Destination host: - Destination port: 7070 To process data you need to setup an application with a UDP receiver at port 7070. This application must be at the same PC as the y-adapter. Additional information ====================== Radarbox samples raw Mode-S phase modulated data at 8MHz and pushes them over the USB line. All decoding is done by software in ANRB.EXE. Phase shift may occur during sampling and this needs to be dealt with in the decoding application. Standard Mode-S messages are 56 bit/7 byte or 112 bit/14 byte long and phase modulated. A perfect sampling message would consist of 56 or 112 bytes. In reality the length of these messages varies. Each message is terminated by "$00""$0A" string, that does not belong to the Mode-S data. Control data are sent out in both directions. These can be easily identified as they are much shorter than 56 bytes and can be deciphered in ASCII. Data spec and decoding schemes are described in ICAO Annex 10 Vol. IV Chapter 3, which is available on the internet. USB data transfer is at 1.25 MBit/s and asynchronous, i.e. in packet size that must not correspond with a complete Mode-S transmission. Sample ====== This is a data traffic sample from a start of ANRB.EXE with some handshaking. This is logged with a UDP receiver application that is not part of this y-adapter. ------------------------------------------------------- Radarbox raw data log by y-adapter for radarbox File opened: 10:49:14.701 - Times are local Packets shorter than 20 bytes are shown in ASCII, too ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- >>>> 10 bytes recvd from PC: - 10:49:32.233 0A 56 45 52 53 49 4F 4E 0A . VERSION. >>>> 6 bytes recvd from PC: - 10:49:32.295 50 49 4E 47 0A PING. >>>> 6 bytes recvd from PC: - 10:49:34.233 50 49 4E 47 0A PING. #### 8 bytes recvd from RB: - 10:49:34.295 4C 4F 43 4B 45 44 0A LOCKED. >>>> 17 bytes recvd from PC: - 10:49:34.358 55 4E 4C 4F xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNLOCK xxxxxxxxxxxxxx #### 19 bytes recvd from RB: - 10:49:34.420 51 55 45 53 54 49 4F xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx QUESTION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >>>> 17 bytes recvd from PC: - 10:49:34.483 41 4E 53 57 45 52 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ANSWER xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx #### 11 bytes recvd from RB: - 10:49:34.545 55 4E 4C 4F 43 4B 45 44 20 0A UNLOCKED . >>>> 10 bytes recvd from PC: - 10:49:34.608 0A 56 45 52 53 49 4F 4E 0A . VERSION. >>>> 6 bytes recvd from PC: - 10:49:34.670 50 49 4E 47 0A PING. #### 17 bytes recvd from RB: - 10:49:34.702 50 4F 4E 47 0A 46 77 3A 31 2E 30 31 2E 31 0A 0A PONG. Fw:1.01.1. . #### 59 bytes recvd from RB: - 10:49:35.123 0F C0 0F E0 C0 00 0F E0 60 1E 02 07 80 04 07 E0 07 E0 60 0E 02 0E 07 C0 07 07 C0 07 E0 0F E0 0F C0 0F E0 00 0C 0E 0F 03 E0 60 E0 40 60 07 07 C0 00 07 E0 07 E0 0F C0 0E 00 0A #### 59 bytes recvd from RB: - 10:49:35.248 1F C0 0F C0 E0 E0 0F C1 C0 0E 0E 0F E0 0C 0F C0 07 C0 40 00 0C 0E 0F E0 0E 0F C0 0F C0 0F C0 0F C0 07 C0 0E 0E 0E 0C 0F C0 E0 E0 E0 F0 0E 0F 80 00 0F E0 0F 0E 0F C0 04 00 0A #### 62 bytes recvd from RB: - 10:49:35.311 7F 80 1F 81 83 80 3F 83 80 38 38 3F 00 78 3F 00 3F 01 00 30 18 38 3F 00 38 3F 80 3F 00 3F 80 3F 80 3F 00 38 78 30 10 7F 03 83 83 03 80 38 3F 03 80 7F 00 30 38 3F 90 10 00 70 0F 00 0A #### 116 bytes recvd from RB: - 10:49:35.311 01 E0 0C 0C 0F C0 E0 0F 00 C0 0E 0E 0F 80 1E 07 C0 0F C0 E0 0E 0E 0C 0F E0 1E 0F C0 1F C0 1F C0 0F C0 0E 0F 80 0C 0E 0C 0C 1F C0 0F E0 0F C0 E0 E0 1F C0 1F 0E 0F C0 C0 0F C0 00 E0 C1 E0 E0 E0 C0 0E 1F C0 40 0F C0 C0 0C 0E 0C 0C 0E 0F C0 0E 0E 1E 1F C0 E0 40 E0 E0 1F E0 1F C0 40 C0 0F E0 1F C0 0F E0 0E 0C 0E 0C 0F C0 0F C0 00 C0 0F C0 C0 00 0A #### 40 bytes recvd from RB: - 10:49:35.327 01 FC 00 FC 18 00 01 F8 00 FC 01 C0 01 F8 1C 01 C1 C1 C1 C1 E1 E1 F8 1C 0C 1C 03 C1 E1 F8 01 C1 FC 1E 01 FC 00 F8 01 #### 21 bytes recvd from RB: - 10:49:35.327 E1 E1 FC 01 C1 FE 1C 01 FC 1C 0C 01 FC 1C 01 E1 C1 E0 00 0A ááü.Áþ..ü...ü..áÁà.. #### 59 bytes recvd from RB: - 10:49:35.327 FE 00 7F 06 0F 00 FE 00 FE 00 E0 E0 FE 0F 00 F8 F0 F0 60 F0 F0 FE 07 07 07 80 F0 78 FF 00 F0 FC 0F 00 FE 00 FF 00 60 70 FF 00 E0 FF 07 00 7F 07 06 00 7E 06 00 F0 60 60 00 0A #### 59 bytes recvd from RB: - 10:49:35.327 0F F0 07 F0 70 7C 0F F0 07 F0 07 87 07 F0 70 07 07 07 86 07 87 87 F0 70 60 78 07 02 07 F8 07 07 F0 38 07 E0 07 F0 07 87 07 F0 07 87 E0 70 07 F0 70 70 07 F8 30 07 07 87 00 0A #### 59 bytes recvd from RB: - 10:49:35.327 1F F0 07 F0 F0 E0 0F F0 07 F0 0E 0F 0F F0 60 07 07 0F 0F 0E 06 0F 60 60 70 F0 0F 07 07 C0 0F 07 C0 F0 07 E0 0F F0 06 07 0F F0 0F 07 C0 F0 0F E0 70 78 07 E0 70 0F 0F 0F 00 0A #### 59 bytes recvd from RB: - 10:49:35.530 03 83 C3 C3 81 83 F8 03 F8 38 3C 03 C3 83 83 E0 3C 03 C0 F8 03 F8 38 07 C3 83 F8 3C 30 38 3C 38 38 38 38 38 38 01 F8 03 F8 38 03 C3 F0 00 83 F8 3C 1C 1C 18 03 83 C3 F8 00 0A #### 59 bytes recvd from RB: - 10:49:35.608 1F E0 0F E0 E0 E0 0F E0 1F E0 1E 0E 1F F0 40 0C 1E 0E 1E 0E 0E 0F E1 C0 E1 E0 0E 0E 0F C0 0E 0F E0 E0 1F C0 0F C0 0E 1C 1F 80 0C 1F 00 E0 0F E0 00 C0 0F E0 0F E0 F0 E0 00 0A